Horizon scholars are exceptional young people from the Middle East and Asia (particularly Palestinians, Syrians, Afghans and Tibetans). They are academically able and community driven, with a desire to become change agents. Scholars are typically 16 to 19 years old when they begin their penultimate year of secondary schooling.
Horizon scholarships cover tuition and boarding fees, flights and incidental expenses as agreed with the Foundation’s partner schools. Pastoral care is provided by the schools with assistance, where necessary, of guardians appointed by the schools and the Foundation.
Scholars are selected according to rigorous criteria with the help of trusted local partners and the host schools. The Horizon Foundation does not assess applications received by students directly. Please apply to your UWC National Committee or to Eton College following their call for applications.
Since 2006, the Horizon Foundation has supported 182 scholars over multiple years – with a balanced gender split of 48% male and 52% female.
Currently, 39 of these scholars are at school, 66 are at university and over fifty have found careers in diverse fields including finance, economy, business, IT, engineering, international relations, community development, human rights and medical sciences.
Most scholars leave school with excellent results and attend universities mainly in the US and UK. UWC graduates can benefit from the Davis-UWC scholarship support to study at universities in the US.
The Horizon Foundation follows up on its scholars’ progress at school, university and post-university. Reunions of current and past scholars are organised and networking amongst scholars is encouraged. For this purpose Horizon has created a private members networking page for its scholars.
To see selected profiles of Horizon Scholars from our current target communities (Palestinians, Syrians, Afghans and Tibetans) please click on the map below. More testimonials can also be found in the section below the map.